Philanthropy, The Rush Companies

$1.17 Million Raised for Cancer Care in the South Sound!

November 04, 2022

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CARE-7789-1Each and every one of us knows someone - a parent, a child, a friend, a colleague - who has suffered from cancer. Thankfully, more and more people are surviving cancer today.  Many are right here in the South Puget Sound Region where Dr. Frank Senecal and the South Sound CARE Foundation provide research, clinical trials and new treatment options to care for and extend the lives of South Sound Cancer Patient's. 

We are proud to announce that our the Philanthropy event near and dear to our hearts, Beer and Bites, had another incredible annual event, raising more than $1,170,000 for the South Sound CARE Foundation!


bb2022-3182-1-1Now in its ninth year, Beer & Bites has raised over $7.7 million that directly benefits the research, care, and extension of lives of cancer patients and their families in the South Puget Sound Region. The event is typically a casual dinner and auction initially co-created by Dr. Senecal and Gordon Rush of The Rush Companies. The sold out event has blossomed into a critical funding source for South Sound CARE welcoming over 600 people ready to enjoy local Beer & Bites while contributing to the foundation. The ninth annual Beer & Bites was held on Saturday, October 2nd at the Waterfront Venue. We are grateful to everyone that came back in person after 3 years away during the pandemic.CARE-7606-1CARE-7570-1


The Rush Companies helps underwrite the event to ensure that all funds raised 100% benefit the South Sound CARE Foundation. This year Rush was joined by 46 other sponsors in our community, a massive testament to the corporate charitable spirit that so many businesses in the Puget Sound embody.  Additionally, many Rush Employees volunteered for days and months to ensure the evening was a huge success. 

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South Sound CARE spares families hours of time sitting in traffic on the road to Seattle, or traveling out of state, and gives them the ability to live at home while they receive treatment. Dr. Senecal states that “Our community deserves access to the best treatments. The distance and inconvenience of travel when someone is getting intense treatment is exhausting. It is important to have leading edge trials available close to home. Our patients are living longer and better even when they have exhausted conventional therapies. We need to keep working to find good options. Research brings better treatments to the individual patient. We learn how to treat patients with more effective therapies…and we prove that those therapies are worthwhile.”

CARE-7842-1At Rush, we are extremely proud to support and give back in our local community. The importance of bringing treatment to patients in our own community is paramount. As Gordon Rush mentioned, "What CARE really does at a 40,000 foot level, is that it provides hope – and hope is essential for living life.”

The South Sound is our home, and we're proud to be a part of a company that makes an impact beyond our daily business projects, that encourages all of us to support the families that share this community with us. Thank you to all of our guests donors, volunteers and sponsors for your support! Thanks to you CARE will charge ahead with plans to help provide new options for cancer patients in the South Sound this coming year.

We look forward to seeing you LIVE on October 2, 2021 at the quintessential NW Waterfront Venue!





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